As an Educator Preparation Provider, the Teacher Education Unit (TEU) at Buffalo State College monitors candidate performance and program completer data as well as other consumer information as part of our data-driven continuous improvement efforts. This is part of our Buffalo State Education Assessment System.
Annual accountability measures identified by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) are used as a framework to provide information on program outcomes and program impact.
In addition, in an effort to further disseminate data to our stakeholders, we also include candidate data, by choice. According to CAEP: Annual Accountability Measures "... work together as indicators of EPP performance in relation to candidates as they complete preparation, and to completers once they are on the job". While not required for CAEP's Accountability Measures, we find this dissemination method helpful to our stakeholders.
As part of the Buffalo State Education Assessment System (BSEAS), the TEU not only collects student outcome and impact data, but reviews and shares these data with a wide range of stakeholders, before using the results to improve our programs (see CAEP Standard 5 ). Information about BSEAS is available in the TEU Assessment Handbook.
TEC Data Share Schedule: The Assessment Committee of the TEU provides a monthly report to the Teacher Education Council (TEC). Data reports are framed around the 4 Annual Accountability Measures but include additional relevant data sources as well. See TEC Data Share Schedule for more information.
Annual Assessment Cycle: The CAEP Annual Report is prepared and submitted each spring to our accreditor to reflect on the prior academic year (i.e., report submitted spring 2025 emphasizes data collected and reviewed during 2023-24 AY). NOTE: Data Cycle vs. Program Completer: Data are reported on candidates who completed their program during that academic year (they become known as "completers"). Completer data on Alumni and Employer Surveys are collected annually each summer and while they are part of the data cycle for that year, they refer to candidates who complete the program 1 or 3 years prior to the survey being administered. Similarly some measures are reviewed/reported annually but refer to completers from the prior year (loan default rates, employment reports).
Data are:
publicly displayed on the TEU, Educator Preparation Program website
disseminated via stakeholder advisory groups
disseminated at monthly Teacher Education Council meetings, and at other monthly, quarterly, or annual meetings with a variety of stakeholders, including teacher candidates and clinical or school partners
reviewed at annual program improvement retreats
used to develop action plans
Alumni Survey | Employer Survey | Observation Case Study |
Annual Professional Performance Review Data for BSC (most recent available)
Survey Note: Alumni and Employer Survey data refer to completers 1 and 3 years post completion; thus, 2022-23 and 2020-21 completers are evaluated in 2023-24 assessment cycle. Surveys for 2023-24 completers will be administered summer 2025 (as part of the 2024-25 assessment cycle) and posted here in spring 2026 for review.
Employer Survey | TEU Advisory Council | PDS Consortium | Partners with MOUs
NYSTCE | Student Teaching Eval | Dispositions Evaluation | Adv Prog Capstone Project
Employer Survey | Eligib for Employment| Alumni Survey Graduation Rates EPP/TEU | Graduation Rates SUNY
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